Wednesday, July 13, 2011

♥ Oh, what a tease! *wink wink* ♥

We thought we'd tease you a little 
bit with these images we've been putting 
together for our new site!

Plus, a sneak peek above will show you the 
basic layout of our new RETRO RED design! 

You can't wait can you for us to 
reveal the rest of the site? 
I know I can't wait!!! 

It's super fabulous with bright & 
brilliant colors and sassy 
Margarita Bloom style!


  1. Wow, your packaging and styling is amazing! So retro, so pretty, so wow! I heart you girlies xxx

  2. Thank you so much for your lovely comments and we're so thrilled to have our linky on your site!! Just added yours to our Absolute Darlings bloggy list too!! Yay!


Leave us some love! WE heart you! XOXO